When you purchase one of the Parenting Journey Packages
(Dew Drop, Wattle Immersion or Web Creation),
you will also receive the
Spirited HeartsĀ® Self-Reflection Journal 
to accompany you on our journey together.

What's The Investment Exchange?

One Off/Pay As You Go Session


  If you would either like to Pay As You Go, or you would just like to start off with 1 session before considering one of the transformative parenting journey packages, then this is option might suit you the best.
Please keep in mind, that the biggest changes to yourself, and the parent you are willing to be does take time

Dew Drop Journey

$576 in full
4 x $144 weekly plan

Rejuvenate your parenting journey  by gently dropping into where you are in this moment, reflecting on where you would like to be, and be compassionately supported in the areas you are needing change.

Wattle Immersion

$1008 in full
7 x $144 fortnightly plan

Just like wattle is a full sensory experience so too is this immersion into your parenting journey. On this adventure, we dive deeper into the parent you are, the childhood that may be affecting you in this moment, and the parent you desire to be. At the end of this journey, you will have more awareness, insight, confidence and compassion to not just create the parenting life you want, you will also be living it!

Web Creation Journey

$1728 in full
12 x $144 fortnightly plan

Maybe you feel like you're hanging by a thread. Maybe you would like help weaving the life you are needing for yourself and your family. This Web Creation journey, is all about weaving lasting change into your life. Reflecting on where you have been, processing what is happening for you, releasing what is no longer serving you, and creating meaningful connections with yourself and your child/ren on your journey with parenting and through life.